horprogs / Just-validate

Modern, simple, lightweight (~5kb gzip) form validation library written in Typescript, with no dependencies (no JQuery!). Support a wide range of predefined rules, async, files, dates validation, custom error messages and styles, localization. Support writing custom rules and plugins.
509 stars 92 forks source link

Provide unminified js version with named export #126

Open nhaberl opened 1 year ago

nhaberl commented 1 year ago

I know it's of minor concern for most but it would be really helpful to download the dist version unminified from anywhere ... I can only find the min.js file. fyi ... I have to use old school js within an organization and find your library really convenient and easy to integrate. So when bundling, minify all within the project it would be great. BTW is there any specific reason why you export it as default ? Wehn bundling I came into the problem that more than 1 default export was set (my error too on my side : ) )

Thanks Norbert

horprogs commented 1 year ago

I guess I can add unminified version, just need to figure out how to setup it in Vite.

But what's wrong with default export? What is the problem with more than 1 default exports?

nhaberl commented 1 year ago

Problem ist that NUglify AS a bundler for example complains because He Sets all Exports in the end of the bundle and therefore only 1 is allowed per Module/file