horseee / DeepCache

[CVPR 2024] DeepCache: Accelerating Diffusion Models for Free
Apache License 2.0
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Details of the reproduction of the experimental results #43

Open ZTzxj opened 1 month ago

ZTzxj commented 1 month ago

Hello, I would like to ask what is the prompt file for the validation set of the coco dataset used in your assessment, what validation set title did you use, and also how many images did you generate based on each of the prompts.

horseee commented 1 month ago

Hi, you can refer to the code snippet here:

def main(args):
    if args.dataset == 'parti':
        prompts = load_dataset("nateraw/parti-prompts", split="train")
    elif args.dataset == 'coco2017':
        dataset = load_dataset("phiyodr/coco2017")
        prompts = [{"Prompt": sample['captions'][0]} for sample in dataset['validation']]
        raise NotImplementedError