horst-n / WireMailSmtp

ProcessWire: Extension to the new WireMail baseclass (since PW 2.4.1)
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Is sender_signature plaintext or html text? #1

Closed tuomassalo closed 10 years ago

tuomassalo commented 10 years ago

sender_signature is added as plaintext to the text body and as html to html body (https://github.com/horst-n/WireMailSmtp/blob/master/WireMailSmtpAdaptor.php#L277).

This is clearly a bug, and should be fixed by

a) making the user supply both html and plaintext signatures


b) correctly escaping the (plaintext) sig when injecting it to html payload.

Maybe a) and b) could be combined so that one can supply (plaintext) sig, and optionally also an html one. If an html sig is not supplied, the plaintext one is converted to html by escaping.

horst-n commented 10 years ago

You are right. I think I will go with a) and add a separate field for a HTML-signature, but will think of it for a day. Many thanks!

horst-n commented 10 years ago

added separate inputfield for HTML signature into config page. Thanks tuomassalo.