hortinstein / node-dash-button

A small module to emit events when an Amazon Dash Button is pressed
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Find button detects but when in a script it does not #25

Closed tvl83 closed 8 years ago

tvl83 commented 8 years ago

I had this working yesterday perfectly fine and I tried to bring the dash to another network and had annoying problems with that. Moving a dash to another network is kind of stupid. You cannot just connect to the config options and change the network, apparently. You have to deactivate it from your amazon account and add it on the other network.

I have the amazon successfully back on my network (I had issues getting it BACK on my network last night). The findbutton script successfully sees the arp packets and the dashes, but when I run my node app with sudo npm start it has many of those node_pcap: EthernetFrame() : Don't know how to decode ethertype messages when I press the button but it does not detect my buttons or any other ARP packets.

Are there any known issues about this?

tvl83 commented 8 years ago

Completely my fault. I was trying to detect the button pushes but I had it in an io.on('connection') because i am using socket.io. I was not refreshing the page to make a connection to wireup the detected code.

hortinstein commented 8 years ago

good to hear! thx man