Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
Yeah, get:
"Replaced unresolvable optimized instruction with a throw"
When deodexing CheckinProvider, even with the full bootclasspath in -c switch.
Any ideas JF?
Original comment by
on 8 Jun 2010 at 7:01
I am not sure, but is this correct?
.line 1940
.local v0, bNeedCancel:Z
const/4 v2, 0x0
I do not understand why v2 now equals Null. To me it looks like an Integer
constant equal 0 (zero). Or am I wrong?
The "Replaced unresolvable optimized..." error looks like:
#Replaced unresolvable optimized instruction with a throw
throw v2
#invoke-virtual-quick {v2, v8}, vtable@0x21
Original comment by
on 9 Jun 2010 at 8:51
0x0 could be 0, false or null - it depends on context, so everything is ok.
About "Replaced unresolvable optimized...": it's a feature, not a bug. And
referencing JF's words:
"It's likely that class doesn't exist on the phone. You'll need to see if the
exists in any of the framework files. (baksmali them, and see if there's a
smali file
for the class that it can't find)."
It's weird to me, because AFAIR behnam.fakhimi's problem is related to some
method, which is used, so even original app should FC.
Anyway I don't know, what these things have in common with above NPE issue ;-)
Original comment by Brut.alll
on 9 Jun 2010 at 9:34
Actually, my comments on issue 31 are unrelated to the "Replaced unresolvable
optimized..." thing. This isn't caused by not being able to resolve a method.
It occurs when the object register referenced by an odexed instruction is
always null. I've been asked about this a number of times, so I think I'll just
write up a wiki page about it. I'll post back here once the wiki page is up
(probably this evening)
Original comment by
on 9 Jun 2010 at 1:16
Hmmmm, the simple fact is that an baksmali'd from odex and smali'd app will
exhibit no errors in processing and then crash in operation... so whether it's
a bug or not, it makes the process unpredictable!
Examples of apps with problems are the HtcMusic app and the CheckinProvider
app... if I can provide any further info that might help please shout.
Original comment by
on 9 Jun 2010 at 1:50
I have noticed that the unresolved function can be very random. For example the
code can look like this:
invoke-virtual {}, bla
and then a few lines later you have
# replaced unresolved method with throw
invoke-virtual-quick {}, vtable@0x00
a lot of times the unresolved code should in fact be the same call that was a
couple of lines earlier.
Original comment by
on 9 Jun 2010 at 2:02
This might be even worse. If you baksmali already resmalied code, there will be
no traces of what has happened - several lines of code missing and that's all.
Original comment by Brut.alll
on 9 Jun 2010 at 3:34
@modacopaul, you need to search the code for "unresolvable" right after you
deodexed. If you deodex, smali and then baksmali there will be no trace of
unresolvable (except for the throw) because they are just comments and are
stripped out when smaling.
Original comment by
on 9 Jun 2010 at 3:38
master.homer: It's not random at all. It occurs when the object register is
always null. I've just put up a wiki page that helps to explain this:
Brut.all: that is correct: the code that is removed is "dead" code that is
impossible to reach (and in some cases, impossible to deodex). This is all
handled in a manner that preserves the functionality/semantics of the code. Or
if it isn't, it's a bug in baksmali. But nothing I've seen yet indicates that
there's a bug, other than the issue that I mention at the bottom of the wiki
If you think there is in fact an issue in how this is handled, please provide a
specific example, preferably with the original code before being odexed (if
available), the odexed code, and the code that baksmali generated after
deodexing :)
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:01
The original issue that brut.all had submitted has been fixed :)
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:50
Ahh, thanks for explanation. I must say I was surprised when we were talking
about that problem earlier and you said that you don't see anything wrong ;-)
Now I see.
But what for something like:
if-nez v0, :cond_1
const v1, 0x5
goto :goto_1
invoke-static {}, Lsome/Class;->getSomeObject()Lsome/Class;
move-result-object v1
invoke-virtual-quick {v1), vtable@7
Then you can't resolve odex instruction, because v1 is in conflicted state, but
if v0 would be always true, then this code would work perfectly fine before
deodexing. Of course javac can't output such instructions and baksmali can't do
everything, because it statically analyzes the code. I'm just wondering,
whether it is possible to easily forbid files deodexing using this technique.
Original comment by Brut.alll
on 10 Jun 2010 at 7:32
Agreed, this is a tricky scenario... it at least needs to be 'caught'...
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 7:34
Here is the output of my deodexing of FRF50s app and framework, with my
deodexing script looking for the 'unresolvable' methods. These unresolvable
methods are quite frequent and cause issues of course when smali'ing back (the
relevant apps crash). Any thoughts on the best workaround?
com/android/contacts/ExportVCardActivity$ActualExportThread.smali: #Replaced
unresolvable optimized instruction with a throw
com/android/providers/downloads/DownloadThread.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized invoke-*-range-quick instruction
com/android/providers/downloads/DownloadThread.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized invoke-*-range-quick instruction
com/android/providers/downloads/DownloadThread.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized invoke-*-range-quick instruction
com/android/providers/downloads/DownloadThread.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized invoke-*-range-quick instruction
com/google/android/gm/provider/MailSync.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized instruction with a throw
li: #Replaced unresolvable optimized instruction with a throw
li: #Replaced unresolvable optimized instruction with a throw
com/android/providers/media/MediaThumbRequest.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized invoke-*-range-quick instruction
com/android/providers/media/MediaThumbRequest.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized invoke-*-range-quick instruction
com/android/mms/ui/ComposeMessageActivity.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized instruction with a throw
adding: classes.dex (deflated 52%)
de/schlichtherle/io/ArchiveControllers.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized instruction with a throw
com/android/settings/TetherSettings.smali: #Replaced unresolvable optimized
instruction with a throw
com/android/settings/TetherSettings.smali: #Replaced unresolvable optimized
instruction with a throw
com/google/android/street/HttpCache.smali: #Replaced unresolvable optimized
instruction with a throw
android/server/BluetoothService$BondState.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized instruction with a throw
android/server/BluetoothService$BondState.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized instruction with a throw
com/google/android/mms/pdu/PduPersister.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized instruction with a throw
android/content/pm/RegisteredServicesCache.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized instruction with a throw
android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDirectCursorDriver.smali: #Replaced
unresolvable optimized instruction with a throw
android/media/MiniThumbFile.smali: #Replaced unresolvable optimized
instruction with a throw
android/net/http/HttpsConnection.smali: #Replaced unresolvable optimized
invoke-*-range-quick instruction
android/server/BluetoothService$BondState.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized instruction with a throw
android/server/BluetoothService$BondState.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized instruction with a throw
com/google/android/mms/pdu/PduPersister.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized instruction with a throw
com/android/server/BackupManagerService$PerformRestoreTask.smali: #Replaced
unresolvable optimized instruction with a throw
com/android/server/BackupManagerService$PerformRestoreTask.smali: #Replaced
unresolvable optimized invoke-*-range-quick instruction
com/android/server/BackupManagerService$PerformRestoreTask.smali: #Replaced
unresolvable optimized invoke-*-range-quick instruction
com/android/server/BackupManagerService$PerformRestoreTask.smali: #Replaced
unresolvable optimized invoke-*-range-quick instruction
com/android/server/BackupManagerService$PerformRestoreTask.smali: #Replaced
unresolvable optimized invoke-*-range-quick instruction
com/android/server/BackupManagerService.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized instruction with a throw
com/android/server/DropBoxManagerService.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized invoke-*-range-quick instruction
com/android/server/WallpaperManagerService.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized instruction with a throw
com/android/server/WallpaperManagerService.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized instruction with a throw
com/android/server/WindowManagerService.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized instruction with a throw
com/android/server/WindowManagerService.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized instruction with a throw
com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.smali: #Replaced unresolvable
optimized instruction with a throw
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 12:22
@paul, the only way I could get it to work was by comparing the unresolvable
code from a working smali. Feel free to use the framework and apps from
VillainROM 10.1 if you don't have time to do that.
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 12:27
This is Froyo... so that's not really an option...
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 12:29
Oh, I see. Well, then you'll have to do that I guess.
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 12:30
There is no Froyo working smali. Doh. We need a fix. :)
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 12:33
Paul, go read
"Replaced unresolvable optimized" isn't something to be concerned about.
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 12:55
@JF, but they are, if you don't fix them you get FC's (due to the throw).
(CheckinProvider for example)
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 12:57
Yeah, I read the wiki entry, but a whole ton of apps are crashing due to this.
On Froyo for example, the MediaProvider ones break Gallery completely and cause
constant FCs!
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 12:59
Brut.all, I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure baksmali would in fact complain
about something like that, where the object register was in a conflicted state.
Have you seen otherwise?
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:03
modacopaul: OK. so what code is baksmali replacing incorrectly? Just giving me
a list of all the places where it replaces an unresolvable odex instruction
doesn't tell me anything :).
Some me some specifics. You say it crashes - so give me the details on the
crash, and the odexed and deodexed code where it crashed, and the changes you
made to fix it.
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:10
OK, as an example, here's the code from MediaProvider...
after baksmali:
.line 163
#Replaced unresolvable optimized invoke-*-range-quick instruction
#with a generic method call that will throw a NullPointerException
invoke-virtual/range {v20 .. v20}, Ljava/lang/Object;->hashCode()I
#invoke-virtual-quick/range {v20 .. v20}, vtable@0xb
#move-wide/from16 v9, v16
.line 164
.end local v16 #magic:J
.restart local v9 #magic:J
#goto :goto_90
.line 161
.end local v9 #magic:J
.restart local v16 #magic:J
move-exception v5
Now, bearing in mind we have no other Froyo code other than what i'm trying to
deodex here, it's tricky... but I did compare these lines to an Eclair file,
and the lines are as follows...
.line 122
invoke-virtual/range {v21 .. v21}, Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;->close()V
move-wide/from16 v9, v17
.line 123
.end local v17 #magic:J
.restart local v9 #magic:J
goto :goto_2e
.line 120
.end local v9 #magic:J
.restart local v17 #magic:J
move-exception v5
I'll post the logcat it generates in the crash shortly...
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:22
master.homer: The whole point is that the code would have thrown an NPE at that
point anyway - or if it wouldn't have, then it's a bug in baksmali. You say that
"if you don't fix them you get FC's (due to the throw)" - and it sounds like
you are talking about all instances where baksmali replaces a deodexable
instruction with a throw. But this is valid and intended functionality.
I think the point that I'm trying to make is not to talk about these cases in
the aggregate - because there are definitely cases where this is the "right
thing to do". (really, the only thing to do).
Instead, focus on the specific cases that cause you problems. You say that it
crashes - so show me the crash. And the odexed and deodexed code where it
crashed, and the changes you made to fix it.
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:24
paul, I need more context. The code that is leading up to the unresolvable
odexed instruction is extremely important. I need to be able to determine if
the object register would always be null or not. If you want to pastebin the
whole method, that would be fine :). Using -r in baksmali would be even better
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:28
It must be remembered that the cases where this is causing a crash on device
(FC) are not in the minority... i've had the issue on Hero 2.1 CheckinProvider
and Music apps and now in the Froyo MediaProvider. It's a pain because these
crashes don't immediately manifest themselves in testing, they can be in very
specific parts of functionality in applications...
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:29
Logcat below.
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): java.lang.VerifyError:
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): at<init>(
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): at
java.lang.Class.newInstanceImpl(Native Method)
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): at
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): at
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): at
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): at
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): at$3000(
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): at$H.handleMessage(
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): at
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): at
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): at
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): at
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): at$
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): at
06-10 13:31:32.968: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(409): at
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:32
paul: wait, does that code cause a crash, or does dalvik reject it on install?
I'm guessing the latter, because it's illegal for execution to reach a
move-exception instruction normally.
That looks like the same issues that I described at the bottom of the wiki
page. Or at least, one that is very similar, and which I am already aware of
(and attempting to fix).
I believe the issue with this specific case isn't that the deodexable code
shouldn't be replaced, but it should probably be replaced with a throw instead,
so that dalvik doesn't think execution might continue on past the invoke (which
we know will always cause an NPE, but dalvik doesn't)
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:32
Full smali file -
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:33
I checked several "Repplaced..." things in framework.odex and
MediaProvider.odex files - seems baksmali works ok. All modifications were done
for the code which is unaccessible: register's value is 0x0 and there is some
if-nez check right before replaced code.
Original comment by Brut.alll
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:38
Brut.all - exactly. I *think* that all the issues that every is seeing are in
fact due to that issue that I mentioned at the bottom of the wiki page
(although the issue is slightly wider in scope than I had described there, but
it's still essentially the same issue). Which is extremely tricky to fix. But I
think I'm getting a handle on it :).
Paul: for that code, instead of the fix that you used, try replacing:
invoke-virtual/range {v20 .. v20}, Ljava/lang/Object;->hashCode()I
with a:
throw v20
and leaving the rest of the commented out code after it commented out. I
believe that is what baksmali should do for this specific case.
The actual fix in the code that you suggested is actually the goto instruction
- this makes dalvik happy because it prevents execution from continuing to the
move-exception instruction.
Also - details on the crash would still be nice. i.e. anything related in
logcat when the crash happens. There will almost certainly be some messages
from dalvik, saying that it doesn't like the move-exception instruction.
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:44
Paul, sorry. I hadn't seen the logcat info before I asked for it. Thanks!
Although, can you take a look and see if there's any other messages from dalvik
before that?
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:45
Ah ha...
W/dalvikvm( 462): VFY: invalid use of move-exception
W/dalvikvm( 462): Verifier rejected class
W/dalvikvm( 462): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:46
Paul: yep! thought so :). Like I said, I'm already aware of this specific
issue, and am working on a fix.
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:49
Yeah, i'd missed that in the logcat, doh! :) Thanks!
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:53
Brut.all: as I think about it more, I think that dalvik itself might complain
about a case like you described when odexing it, where the object register is
conflicted. Have you actually seen a case like this in practice?
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:53
No. I was theorizing.
Original comment by Brut.alll
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:56
But could javac produce such situation? Maybe some kind of optimizer like
proguard - it may do some runtime guessing.
Original comment by Brut.alll
on 10 Jun 2010 at 1:59
It's not an issue of whether javac or an optimizer could produce it. It would
actually be in the domain of dx, since it does all the register allocating,
etc. (normal java bytecode doesn't have registers at all, it's stack based).
But even if they (or dx) did produce code like that, I'm fairly sure dalvik
would refuse to odex it - so a case like that would never need to be deodexed :)
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 2:28
FYI: I've created another issue specifically for the issue we've been
Original comment by
on 10 Jun 2010 at 2:35
I've committed some experimental changes which should better handle cases like
these. Please grab a copy of the ExperimentalDeodexChange branch and try it
out, and let me know how it works for you :)
svn checkout
Original comment by
on 11 Jun 2010 at 5:39
Original comment by
on 11 Jun 2010 at 5:41
Original issue reported on by
on 14 May 2010 at 8:26Attachments: