Open Charifou opened 5 months ago
Thank you for your report. I've already used it with real data, and it works properly. Your problem may occur because the "PointType" is defined as PointXYZRGB.
Actually, I've been developing the file in another private repository of a project, and I can publish it. So, I will update this repository to the newest version.
Okaay great. I hope this new version works for me. I was looking for a way to properly make elevation maps under ROS2 humble; I saw that you were already far in the migration of the original package in ROS2, it will be really useful to me. Thanks !
I tried too use it with some bag files but its not working; My tf are well published and synchronized but i still get these errors :
[elevation_mapping_ros2_node-2] [ERROR] [1719322435.533972011] [elevation_mapping_ros2_node]: Waiting for tf transformation to be available. (Message is throttled. 10s) [elevation_mapping_ros2_node-2] Failed to find match for field 'rgb'.
The pcd publisher you provide on the demo package also have some numpy-scipy dependencies problem.
What interests me is to know if you finally managed to use it with real data from lidars (ouster/velodyne) for example. Thanks !