hossainchisty / LeafLine-Bookstore-Marketplace-Client

The LeafLine Book Store is an online platform that aims to provide a user-friendly and efficient way for customers to explore, purchase, and manage books.
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feat: Implement One-Click Sign-In with Google #10

Open hossainchisty opened 9 months ago

hossainchisty commented 9 months ago

Issue Description:

Background: Our React project currently requires users to manually enter their credentials to sign in. To enhance user experience and simplify the sign-in process, we want to implement a "One-Click Sign-In with Google" feature. This will allow users to sign in using their Google accounts with just a single click, improving user convenience and increasing the adoption rate of our platform.

Issue Details: The objective of this issue is to integrate Google Sign-In functionality into our React project, enabling users to log in quickly and securely using their Google accounts.


  1. Google API Integration:

    • Integrate the Google Sign-In API with the React project.
    • Obtain necessary API keys and client IDs from the Google Developer Console.
  2. Implement Sign-In Button:

    • Create a visually appealing and responsive "Sign-In with Google" button within the user interface.
    • Ensure the button adheres to design guidelines and is user-friendly on various devices and screen sizes.
  3. Authentication Flow:

    • Implement the authentication flow that handles the Google Sign-In process.
    • Retrieve necessary user data (such as email, name, and profile picture) after successful authentication.
  4. User State Management:

    • Implement user state management to handle the user's authentication status.
    • Store relevant user data in the application state or context for easy access throughout the application.
  5. Error Handling:

    • Implement error handling for scenarios such as failed Google authentication or network issues.
    • Provide clear error messages to users, guiding them on how to resolve authentication issues.
  6. Redirects and Navigation:

    • Implement redirects and navigation logic to direct users to the appropriate pages after successful Google Sign-In.
    • Ensure users are redirected to the dashboard or landing page based on their authentication status.
  7. Testing:

    • Thoroughly test the Google Sign-In functionality on different devices, browsers, and network conditions.
    • Test edge cases, such as invalid credentials or revoked permissions, to handle potential issues gracefully.

Additional Information:

Paul-Annay commented 9 months ago

@hossainchisty I would like to work on this

adityaK87 commented 9 months ago

Hey @hossainchisty, Can I work on this issue.

hossainchisty commented 9 months ago

I appreciate your eagerness to tackle the problem. However, it's best if we have one lead person working on the issue to avoid confusion.

however @adityaK87 you can see this issue over here #11 or https://github.com/hossainchisty/LeafLine-Admin/issues/1#issue-1943355267 Thanks

hossainchisty commented 9 months ago

Hi, @Paul-Annay I assigned you! thanks for your interest.