hosseinmd / prettier-plugin-jsdoc

A Prettier plugin to format JSDoc comments.
MIT License
228 stars 29 forks source link

Markdown List Items, Extra Blank Line #206

Closed jaswrks closed 11 months ago

jaswrks commented 12 months ago

In v1.0.2 there is an extra blank line added after markdown list items.

Observed formatting:

 * Testing docBlocks.
 * @param   ...args Arguments.
 * @returns         Something.
 *   - Note: here is a list item in markdown.
 * @see https://link.example

Here's what I would like to see, instead:

 * Testing docBlocks.
 * @param   ...args Arguments.
 * @returns         Something.
 *   - Note: here is a list item in markdown.
 * @see https://link.example

Prettier config values:

arrowParens: 'always',
bracketSameLine: false,
bracketSpacing: true,
embeddedLanguageFormatting: 'auto',
endOfLine: 'lf',
htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: 'css',
insertPragma: false,
jsxSingleQuote: true,
printWidth: 180,
proseWrap: 'preserve',
quoteProps: 'preserve',
requirePragma: false,
semi: true,
singleAttributePerLine: false,
singleQuote: true,
tabWidth: 4,
trailingComma: 'all',
useTabs: true,
vueIndentScriptAndStyle: true,


jsdocAddDefaultToDescription: false,
jsdocCapitalizeDescription: true,
jsdocDescriptionTag: false,
jsdocDescriptionWithDot: true,
jsdocKeepUnParseAbleExampleIndent: false,
jsdocLineWrappingStyle: 'greedy',
jsdocPreferCodeFences: false,
jsdocPrintWidth: 120,
jsdocSeparateReturnsFromParam: false,
jsdocSeparateTagGroups: true,
jsdocSingleLineComment: false,
jsdocSpaces: 1,
jsdocVerticalAlignment: true,
tsdoc: false,
hosseinmd commented 11 months ago

fixed 1.0.4