Closed xkungfu closed 2 years ago
It would be close to impossible for me to debug a multithreaded app just by looking at the code.
But, I suspect you have not set the spin lock. See docs in multithreading section and look at set_lock()
in docs
Is the function below in "HeteroVector.tcc" at a risk of stackoverflow?
template<typename T>
std::vector<T> &HeteroVector::get_vector() {
auto iter = vectors_<T>.find (this);
// don't have it yet, so create functions for copying and destroying
if (iter == vectors_<T>.end()) {
clear_functions_.emplace_back (
[](HeteroVector &hv) { vectors_<T>.erase(&hv); });
// if someone copies me, they need to call each
// copy_function and pass themself
copy_functions_.emplace_back (
[](const HeteroVector &from, HeteroVector &to) {
vectors_<T>[&to] = vectors_<T>[&from];
move_functions_.emplace_back (
[](HeteroVector &from, HeteroVector &to) {
vectors_<T>[&to] = std::move(vectors_<T>[&from]);
iter = vectors_<T>.emplace (this, std::vector<T>()).first;
return (iter->second);
the function is called by the codes below:
auto functor = [tickerstr](const unsigned long &, const std::string &val)-> bool { return (val == tickerstr); };
ULDataFrame ticker_new_df = realtimedf.get_data_by_sel<std::string, decltype(functor), double, std::string>("ticker", functor);
auto row = dailydf.get_data_by_idx<double, std::string>(std::vector<ULDataFrame::IndexType> { i });
the crashes often happened when runing get_data_by_sel or get_data_by_idx.
so, please have a investigation at "get_vector" in HeteroVector.tcc.
No there is no stack overflow. Your problem is described in my original message above. Did you read it?
No there is no stack overflow. Your problem is described in my original message above. Did you read it?
yes, I read you answer. and use only one thread to work in background by use codes below:
I have two workflows: the first workflow is for updating ui, the steps are:
1. generate data in back thread.
2. pass the data to main thread by signal.
3. the main thread recieve the data from the signal, then trigger the slot function
4. the slot function handle the data and update gui.
these steps is iterating and continuing. the ui would be updated every 5 seconds.
the second workflow is for creating a new ui is:
when mouse clicking somewhere, open a new window and show some plots in this new window.
both the sub thead and main thread handle some dataframe. they are not same datafame, I think I prevented to use same codes or same variable cross threads. but I am not sure if I wrote the all scripts correctly.
I will have a deep investigation.
thank you very muck!
I am repeating and clarifying what I said above. I will emphasize it in two points:
. See documentation for set_lock()
because DataFrame has static data. Again, see the multithreading section of documentation and set_lock()
Documentation is your friend
I got it. let me have a try about this. thanks!
struct DongfancaifuRealtimData {
QList<QPair<QString, double>> qpairlistdata;
QMap<QString, ULDataFrame> qmapdata;
bool empty = true;
int RealtimeMonitor::worker() {
for(int i=0; i< 20000; i++)
RealtimeData* RD = new RealtimeData();
DongfancaifuRealtimData realtimedata = RD->dongfangcaifu_realtime_data_handler();
emit update_boardsnapshot_fromrealmonitor(realtimedata);
return 0;
void RealtimeMonitor::dongfangcaifu_realtime_handler_2(bool cancle)
//set only one thread:
SpinLock lock;
m_future = QtConcurrent::run(this, &RealtimeMonitor::worker);
BoardSnapshot *m_boardsnapshotwdt = new BoardSnapshot();
connect(this, SIGNAL(update_boardsnapshot_frommainwindow(DongfancaifuRealtimData)), m_boardsnapshotwdt, SLOT(dynamic_update_snapshot(DongfancaifuRealtimData)));
void MainWindow::on_actionstart_2_triggered()
realmonitor = new RealtimeMonitor();
connect(realmonitor, SIGNAL(update_boardsnapshot_fromrealmonitor(DongfancaifuRealtimData)), this, SIGNAL(update_boardsnapshot_frommainwindow(DongfancaifuRealtimData)));
It seems set_lock doesn't work for QtConcurrent.
"BoardSnapshot" is the the function to receive dataframe data and update ui. "dongfangcaifu_realtime_handler_2" is the function run in sub thread to generate and send dataframe data by signal.
set_lock was added before QtConcurrent, the app still crashed like it not added.
Of course it doesn't work. you are setting the lock and removing it immediately.
You need to learn how multithreaded programs in C++ work. How threads work. How mutexes work. What is the concept of a shared resource, ... If you just wing it, that's what you get
It looks very hard. let me have a try. get new knowledge from every answer of you.thanks!
the example of set_lock in document not work. error message is: terminate called without an active exception Assertion failed: 0, file /include/DataFrame/Utils/ThreadGranularity.h, line 124
The example for set_lock() works just fine every time. Multithreading is an above intermediate level programming skill. You need to learn C++ and multithreaded programming
yes, I am now studying for Multithreading. a little question: can I use QMutex instead of set_lock.
really not work, have a look:
I don't know what you are doing there. It works for me and others every time.
To answer your above question, if you read the multithreading section of documentation, you will see you need two different protections:
very detailed and clear for this, I would work it out . thank you very much!
It is very confused, they are same but they are not equal, pay attention to the output:
if (thrid == owner)
if (std::hash
resolved the problem.
This is not standard C++ You are using a nonstandard compiler
You cannot depend on the hash value of the id, because two different ids may have the same hash value. I would change my compiler to a standard c++17 compiler
my complier: MinGW64V800r1 GCCV9.3.1 QT5.15.2
I also changed assert(0) to assert(0 && "[ThreadGranularity.h] error: thread id not equal");
maybe little use.
int RealtimeMonitor::worker() {
for(int i=0; i< 20000; i++)
RealtimeData* RD = new RealtimeData();
RealtimDataStruct realtimedata = RD->realtime_data_handler();
emit update_boardsnapshot_fromrealmonitor(realtimedata);
return 0;
SpinLock lock;
std::thread* xx = new std::thread(&RealtimeMonitor::worker, this);
I resolved set lock in thread. but still crashing when calculating dataframe both in sub thread and main thread at same time.
according to the document, dataframe instance also is not multithreaded safe. but there is not an example. so I am confusing at here.
how to create an instance for datafame? and if I have to create two instances for both sub thread and main thread?
I tried use " StdDataFrame
so, can you give me a method about creating an instance for dataframe?
You are setting the lock and then removing it immediately. You should only remove the lock at the end of the program when everything is done
void dftest()
for(int i=0; i < 2; i++)
ULDataFrame source_df;
std::make_pair("col_1", d1),
std::make_pair("col_2", d2),
std::make_pair("col_3", d3),
std::make_pair("col_str", s1));
source_df.load_column("col_4", std::move(d4), nan_policy::dont_pad_with_nans);
QList<QString> contains_qvec = {"11", "33", "ff"};
ULDataFrame resultdf;
for(auto el : contains_qvec)
std::string str_value = el.toStdString();
ULDataFrame tempdf;
auto functor1 = [str_value](const unsigned long &, const std::string &val)-> bool { return (val == str_value); };
try {
tempdf = source_df.get_data_by_sel<std::string, decltype(functor1), double, std::string>("col_str", functor1);
} catch (const DataFrameError &ex) {
std::cout << "[main>>dftest] [WARNING] get_data_by_sel ERROR! e.what(): " << ex.what() << std::endl;
resultdf = resultdf.concat<decltype(tempdf), double, std::string>(tempdf);
resultdf.sort<double, double, std::string>("col_1", sort_spec::desce);
unsigned long size2 = resultdf.get_index().size();
std::vector<unsigned long> ulvec(size2);
unsigned long index = 0;
std::generate(ulvec.begin(), ulvec.end(), [&]{ return index++; });
resultdf.load_column("long_col", std::move(ulvec), nan_policy::dont_pad_with_nans);
resultdf = resultdf.get_reindexed<unsigned long, double, std::string>("long_col", "OLD_IDX");
} ''' ''' int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SpinLock lock; ULDataFrame::set_lock(&lock); std::thread t1 = std::thread(dftest); //正常 t1.join(); ULDataFrame::remove_lock(); } '''
some functions not work under set lock. such as: get_data_by_sel get_reindexed. when running to the positions of these functions, the app hanging and do nothing, but wouldn't crash.
Did I miss something from document again?
please have a look. thank!
I am closing this ticket. You need to learn programming in general and C++ in particular. I cannot help you anymore on this ticket
very sorry. I got lot of new knowledge from this and will continue to study more, thank you very much.
at now, I temporarily change if (thr_id == owner_)
to if (std::hash<std::thread::id>{}(thr_id) == std::hash<std::thread::id>{}(owner_))
I will take more investigation on this later.
@hosseinmoein after debug for two days, I finally find this problem is caused by a conflict between postgresql and mingw64. the comparison operator about thread id can't work after loading postgresql. change findpackage to find_library resolved the problem! thanks again!
for the codes is very complex, I take the most closely related part:
securities_realtime_df's header is :
qt debugger:
the code work in sub thread and send a signal after finished. the main thread will update UI after recieved the signal.
the process is continuing and iterating. if I do nothing, it work fine.
and now if I create a new widget , when the data of the widget is calculating, sometime , the app crashed. not always crashed,
can you find some clues from the debugger info?