Closed A380Coding closed 10 hours ago
What would be the advantage of this solution over the current one?
Just beautification. If there are many gauges it looks quite colorful
Hmm. By adding a gray kind of color to that already colorful situation, how it then comes better? Maybe you can show somehow how the outcome improves when it is made with gray colors not dimmed down original color. Because currently I'm not really sure I wanted to add such a feature or change an existing one.
Yeah, that. Current solution is way different. Adding a background color means to add one additional div element per cell. It's very bad idea because of element count should be kept as low as possible. This node is already violating that rule. If to make color fade to gray (and that gray can be anything but gray) - the intermediate states will be pretty ugly colorwise.
So still, I am not convinced.
Understand, I was not looking from a technical view. I was only looking at the optical result.
Closed with constructive arguments agreed.
Background color is the same color as defined for the linear gauge but dimmed by some value. Can we have selectable background color. E.g. Grey color for the background