hotchemi / Android-Rate

Android-Rate is a library to help you promote your android app by prompting users to rate the app after using it for a few days.
MIT License
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setOnClickButtonListener on all buttons #116

Open AJacovchak opened 7 years ago

AJacovchak commented 7 years ago


How can I use setOnClickButtonListener on all of this feature buttons (ok, cancel)? I want to know how many users eventually went to the store to rate the app and how many canceled.

Thanks, Asaf

AJacovchak commented 7 years ago

Just found out that on the onClickButton(int which), the "which" represent a different integer value for each of the buttons. -1 for "OK" -2 for "NO"

mannodermaus commented 7 years ago

The value passed to onClickButton(int) mirrors the general DialogInterface.OnClickListener you would use for other dialogs. Rather than hardcoding the values, you should refer to the constants in that class instead.

AlexanderLS commented 6 years ago

@Jacovchak5 AndroidRate release 1.1.5 uses onClickButton(final byte which) instead (byte instead int).