hotchemi / Android-Rate

Android-Rate is a library to help you promote your android app by prompting users to rate the app after using it for a few days.
MIT License
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If the user was gave a rating after that no need to show the dialog after certain period .permanently disable that.How we can handle this? #127

Open arunrajgm opened 7 years ago

TharakaDamayantha commented 6 years ago

any answers?

TharakaDamayantha commented 6 years ago

or will it be disabled automatically after rating ? :)

AlexanderLS commented 6 years ago

@arunrajgm @TharakaDamayantha In Vorlonsoft/AndroidRate release 1.1.7:

Dialog will be disabled automatically after the user click on the RateIt button. If you want to show the dialog again, call AppRate#clearAgreeShowDialog(). Also remember Library can't check that the user rate your app, it can check that the user click on the RateIt button only.

Clear show dialog flag

When you want to show the dialog again, call AppRate#clearAgreeShowDialog().
