hotjar / hotjar-js

Bring Hotjar directly to your application
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Failed to initialize Hotjar tracking script #28

Open youssefBarnoukh opened 4 months ago

youssefBarnoukh commented 4 months ago

I'm using Hotjar with react 18 basic use as follow:

  useEffect(() => {
    Hotjar.init(config.HOT_JAR_SITE_ID, config.HOT_JAR_VERSION, {
      debug: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development', // TODO to remove after debugging in dev
      nonce: 'rAnDoM',
  }, []);

when I run my project locally, no error is shown but once deployed, I get the following error

Error: Error: Failed to initialize Hotjar tracking script.
    at o (main.cb918bb2.js:1:4088671)
    at Object.init (main.cb918bb2.js:1:4088761)
    at main.cb918bb2.js:1:4302761
    at as (main.cb918bb2.js:1:3859514)
    at yd (main.cb918bb2.js:1:3879741)
    at main.cb918bb2.js:1:3876331
    at E (main.cb918bb2.js:1:3958327)
    at MessagePort.x (main.cb918bb2.js:1:3958861)

We are using Ngnix with a Content-Security-Policy in header that includes hotjar domain but still it didn't work

add_header Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'none'; connect-src 'self' ...

Any help will be much appreciate it Regards

airtonjal commented 2 months ago

I'm having the same issue here. @youssefBarnoukh have you been able to fix it?