Open youssefBarnoukh opened 7 months ago
I'm having the same issue here. @youssefBarnoukh have you been able to fix it?
I think it may be connected to your Content-Security-Policy definition, don't you see any other error before that one you've listed "Error: Failed to initialize Hotjar trackng script."
In case it's CSP there should be (at least in chrome dev tools) something like:
"Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: [...]
If it's CSP problem and you have full control of it's definition you can use nonce
attribute as in the docs - - I'm not sure if it's working as there's a hanging PR related to that topic ->
I haven't got full control over CSP in my project and there was a problem with executing dynamically created inline script added to HTML when Hotjar.init(siteId, version);
was called as my CSP was defined like this script-src 'self' ...
- so instead of calling Hotjar.init(siteId, hotjarVersion);
I just extracted the code, created a function (code below) and called it, so inline script creation is skipped.
export default function ({ id, sv, debug = false, nonce = null }) {
(function (h, o, t, j, a, r) {
h.hj =
h.hj ||
function () {
(h.hj.q = h.hj.q || []).push(arguments);
h._hjSettings = { hjid: id, hjsv: sv, hjDebug: debug };
h._scriptPath = t + h._hjSettings.hjid + j + h._hjSettings.hjsv;
if (!document.querySelector('script[src*="' + h._scriptPath + '"]')) {
a = o.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
r = o.createElement('script');
if (nonce) r.setAttribute('nonce', nonce);
r.async = 1;
r.src = h._scriptPath;
})(window, document, '', '.js?sv=');
I'm using Hotjar with react 18 basic use as follow:
when I run my project locally, no error is shown but once deployed, I get the following error
We are using Ngnix with a Content-Security-Policy in header that includes hotjar domain but still it didn't work
add_header Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'none'; connect-src 'self' ...
Any help will be much appreciate it Regards