hotosm / HDM-CartoCSS

CartoCSS project focused on the Humanitarian Data Model
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Render names of reference_point=* #214

Open jaakkoh opened 10 years ago

jaakkoh commented 10 years ago

The reference_point key was approved a few months back for the needs of various developing countries such as those in Central American, e.g. Nicaragua -

It would be great to get this information rendered as it's very important information for finding local places.

I would suggest to render all that have the key reference_point regardless of the value. Yes is the "approved" (and as of now mostly used) value. But there is an expectation that other values will also emerge (such as major, minor, old, etc).

jaakkoh commented 10 years ago

Also, as blurbed in IRC: .. there are many reference points that have other "POI tags" that should always get priority in rendering: shop=, amenity=, leisure=, office=, tourism=, historic=, man_made=, etc. .

yohanboniface commented 10 years ago

I see only 84 occurrences of reference_point in taginfo, are you sure about the scheme, amigo?

jaakkoh commented 10 years ago

Well. This is a very new tag and we're only getting started (in Nica -- and elsewhere where this applies to there's even less activity, yet). The thing is that there are a huge number of reference points that are very important to finding places (such as traffic light names, etc) that wouldn't / shouldn't be rendered -- except when they are reference points. Now, I don't know how much work this is -- and I'd be actually happy to learn developing CartoCSS and submit a patch to this. Perhaps this will encourage me to do that. .. But this would be one example of things that differ in the developed world (where addressing is mature and clear) to many developing countries .. and perhaps the HDM rendering could toy with this to help out here. .. So, yes, it would be great to get the reference points rendered. .. And it might take a few rounds of dev to get it "right". Thanks!