hotosm / HDM-CartoCSS

CartoCSS project focused on the Humanitarian Data Model
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Marble Arch has disappeared #290

Open SomeoneElseOSM opened 6 years ago

SomeoneElseOSM commented 6 years ago

(just a heads-up)

I'm guessing it's due to relationship membership of 5640188. I'm seeing the same issue in a different style. If I find out what it is I'll mention it here.

skorasaurus commented 6 years ago

I am not sure but I think The Marble Arch is not displaying because it doesn't have any tags that we are rendering; we are not rendering junction=yes as of this moment.

(on second look, yes, I see that the southern roads who are members of the relation should be rendered).

SomeoneElseOSM commented 6 years ago

@skorasaurus Yes - but the component ways of that relation should be valid. Something is "kicking them upstairs" expecting them to be rendered as part of a relation (which, as you say, isn't happening because just junction=yes isn't rendered). That "something" is likely osm2pgsql but I've not had chance to even check what version I'm running of that yet!

SomeoneElseOSM commented 6 years ago

Just looked into this - it's not osm2pgsql as such, it's the tag transforms. The corresponding code in OSM Carto is has had extra "if line..." and "if area..." checks added to work it. I've just added a fix to my style at to resolve things there, arguably that's just a cludge and arguably it's a data problem anyway - - I don't think that those could really be called multipolygons in the usual sense.

However, based on I guess that this style uses the C transforms in osm2pgsql by default? If so, it probably doesn't make a lot of sense to do a fix there to work around the data. Using OSM Carto's lua here would probably work out of the box since there doesn't seem to be anything style-specific at .

jarek commented 5 years ago

There is now a note on about this ( and I ended up looking at what's not shown on Humanitarian tiles. Here are my findings, if it helps anyone:

For comparison, Bayswater Road which is rendered in Humanitarian: and Cumberland Gate which is not: The difference is Bayswater Road has bicycle=yes, foot=yes, horse=yes. But I don't see how that should affect rendering of highway=trunk really.

Also e.g. is highway=trunk with no access tags and it is rendered.

Maybe some weird bug in Humanitarian triggered because both ways are also outer borders of ?

Found another road which is not rendered: Marylebone Road near Baker Street, again it is part of which is a multipolygon junction. So perhaps it's that somehow... although is rendered...

And then at Euston Circus is not rendered, although it does have access tags. It is part of a junction, but so is which is rendered.