hotosm / HDM-CartoCSS

CartoCSS project focused on the Humanitarian Data Model
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Humanitarian render not of the country-level - case of Republic of Cyprus!!!!! #331

Open mpelas opened 2 years ago

mpelas commented 2 years ago

At zoom level 6 with humanitarian layer the island of Cyprus is wrongfully depicted with Kuzey ... Cumhuriyeti, which is meaningless. The official UN nation name is Republic of Cyprus.

Please abide by UN RESOLUTIONS concerning the illegally occupied north part by military troops of Turkey.

To this day, Turkey occupies 37% of the island and 57% of its coastline, violating numerous violating numerous United Nations Security Council resolutions.

The status of “North Cyprus” under international law and according to the UK Government is very clear. UN Security Council resolutions describe the occupation regime as “legally invalid” (UNSC resolution 550) and call for it to be withdrawn (UNSC resolution 541). Furthermore, the UK Government has held a consistent and long-standing position of non-recognition of the illegal ‘North Cyprus’ regime. Indeed, in 1983, then Prime Minister Mrs Margaret Thatcher wrote the following to the President of Turkey about the illegal declaration of the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”,

“As a guarantor power under the treaty of guarantee the British government deplor [sic] this action on the part of the Turkish Cypriot authorities. It is clearly incompatible with the 1960 treaty of guarantee. It can only complicate the already difficult task of reaching a settlement in Cyprus acceptable to the people of both communities and the activities of the United Nations Secretary General to achieve such a result.”
“I should like to urge you, as President of one of the signatory states of the Treaty of Guarantee to do your utmost to secure the reversal of this action by the Turkish Cypriots and, meanwhile, not support the declaration which they have already made.”

Indeed, successive cases in British Courts have also been clear about the atrocities in the occupied part of Cyprus. For example, in Catlin v Cyprus Finance Corporation (London) Limited [1983], Lord Justice Tom Bingham identified that “In the summer of 1974, the Turkish invasions of Cyprus took place. The consequences for the plaintiff and her children were catastrophic.”

The illegal invasion and occupation of Cyprus resulted in thousands being murdered; missing persons whose fates have yet to be determined; and thousands of refugees, many of whom fled to the UK and have remained ever since.

Since the invasion in 1974, Turkey has attempted to alter the demographics of the island of Cyprus through a policy of forced population settlement in the occupied areas; and it has also pursued the destruction of the cultural heritage of the island through the desecration of churches and culturally significant places.