From load testing , I have figured out when there are lot of request, there are same number of request to database for connection , for eg : if there are 100 requests in API then there will be 100 database connection request along with the queries , which resulted huge performance issue on large number request for long time.
Solution will be include pooling on Galaxy-API , so that database connection will be kept open and listening for queries when app starts , and destroys when app shut down
From load testing , I have figured out when there are lot of request, there are same number of request to database for connection , for eg : if there are 100 requests in API then there will be 100 database connection request along with the queries , which resulted huge performance issue on large number request for long time. Solution will be include pooling on Galaxy-API , so that database connection will be kept open and listening for queries when app starts , and destroys when app shut down