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Arrange dates for Intermediate Training #11

Closed vanpuk closed 11 years ago

vanpuk commented 11 years ago

Please ring each of the provincial contacts and discuss and confirm dates for intermediate training. Jawa Barat and Papua Barat will need a letter from AIFDR confirming that we will pay for the workshop. Please let me know dates (via email) as you confirm them as well as filling out the google doc training schedule. This especially needed for Papua barat as we need to do paper work for Kate to go!!!!!

emirhartato commented 11 years ago

Just got a confirmation from Pak Fredy by phone in Papua Barat: 28 - 30 November 2012

emirhartato commented 11 years ago
  1. We contacted Pak Didi (Jawa Timur), it will be on the first week of December 2012 (OSM+QGIS 5 days)
  2. Pak Anom still haven't got an exact date. He said it still will be on the 3rd week of November.
  3. Pak Wawan from Padang, he said it's up to us. We can give him a schedule then Pak Wawan will coordinate with BPBD to make it happen from our suggestion. But I would suggest 2nd week of November.
  4. We tried to contact Kupang and Makassar but they didn't answer our call.

That's it

emirhartato commented 11 years ago

Just got a call from Pak Buttu in Makassar. He suggest the training dates would be on the 2nd week of December.

wonderchook commented 11 years ago

Intermediate training is complete