hotosm / hotosm-website

The website of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. See instructions below for writing blog posts or updating your profile.
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PRIORITY (for HumData/Ops) - Need page for HOT RFPs #777

Closed vannicer closed 3 years ago

vannicer commented 3 years ago

Previously, we have used "jobs" page for Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for procurement of services/project work over $25,000 USD. With the switch to Bamboo, we can no longer use that page to post RFPs, we can talk about where it sits, but we essentially need a page with the same structure as Jobs, but allows us to post links to Google forms/descriptions for RFPs. Need to post RFP for upcoming Open Cities LAC project, so need to get up and basically functional in next 2 weeks or so.