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clarifying texts in LearnOSM tasking-manager manual #225

Closed rkiddy closed 9 years ago

rkiddy commented 9 years ago

Excellent job on this document. Do not let the number of suggestions I found suggest I do not think it is and will be a great resource. And I look forward to answering some questions I have with the other guides listed on this page.

Sorry to dump all of these on you, but Nick Allen asked for editing help. Well, without further ado, here is what I found:

[001]: first para: "with a minimum risk of overlapping work areas." -> "with a minimum risk of duplicating work." The fact that tools call this a conflict is irrelevant, IMHO.

[002]: add something as task 0 in "Overview of the Process":

"HOT is asked to assist in a mapping task by MSF, or the UN, or IRC." After all, the request from someone else seems to be why this all happens, yes?

[004]: under "Overview", step 3: Whenever I have seen the word "Validated" in the tasks site, it is "Validated" and not "validated".

[005]: under "Options & Links": "The Task Manager initially displays in english" -> "The Task Manager initially displays in English". "English" is a proper noun, therefore capitalized.

[006]: under "Project Details": "Mauve line normally visible" -> "A mauve line normally visible".

Or even: "Mauve line normally visible in the perimeter squares of a project indicates the border of the project." -> "A mauve line, which is normally visible in the perimeter squares of a project, indicates the border of a project."

[007]: under "Project Details": "avaiable imagery" mis-spelled -> "available imagery".

[008}; under "Project Details": ", so may appear an unusual shape" -> " and so the area to be mapped may appear to be irregular." Or this entire sentence could be removed. It is a bit of an aside.

[009]: under "Project Details": again "'validated'" to "'Validated'".

[010]: under "Instructions tab": I assume that "editing programme" is a UK-ism? That would, of course, be fine. But the tasks site itself uses the word "editor", so that could be used here as well. See the button after you accept a task: "Use the iD editor".

[011]: under "Instructions tab": "There will be a section indicating the Changeset comment" -> "You will see a 'Changeset comment', something like '#hotosm-ebola-672', which you will need when you are saving your edits.". The rest of this paragraph should go into an updated "Contribute" section. See [012].

[012]: after "Instructions tab": The order of the tabs is "Instructions", "Contribute", "Activity" and "Stats", so the sections here should not be "Instructions", "Activity", "Stats", "Contribute".

Yes, the "Contribute" section is big. But you should have a small section here that says "The Contribute section is more complex than the others and is described more fully below."

Then, the "SELECTING A SQUARE TO MAP" heading should actually be "CONTRIBUTE TAB". Because that is what the rest of that section is about.

[013]: under "Editing choices": "Different options for editing are are presented to you" -> remove one of the "are" from "are are".

[014]: under "Edit with JOSM", "ID editor", "Potlatch 2", and "Walking Papers / Field Papers": The text under these should be sentences. In each case, the first ... thing ... is not a sentence. This seems off.

[015]: heading "ID editor" should be "iD editor". Even at the start of a sentence, the name of the tool is "iD". You could say "The iD editor" if you are more comfortable with that.

[016]: in "Releasing a square before it is finished" and below: Doesn't the tasks application use "Unlock" here? I cannot remember seeing "Release".

[017]: under "Finishing a square": "editing programme" again.

[018]: under "Sending a message from the comment box": "although there are many occassions when the language barrier prevents this." -> "although you cannot assume the mapper speaks your language." Just a suggestion.

Or at least, correct the misspelling of "occassions", which has one too many "s"s.

[019]: under "Referring to a particular square when sending an email": You might want to take a pass on number 3 and 4 in this section. If you just say that the complete URL that you see when you have selected a square in the Contribute tab identifies the square to others, then there is not reason to try to teach the user how to copy and paste on their own computer. Unless you think it is worth it to do so. But your instructions are certainly not correct for my Ubuntu machine. Just saying.

[020]: under "Referring to a particular square when sending an email": Does this method really bring one back to the same set of tiles at the same resolution and such? If so, that would be great. Or does this just identify the entire square that you have agreed to edit?

I think it would be more common to say "what is that that I am seeing here in front of me?" I am trying to figure out how to do this, and I think I have to get the ids of the tiles I am looking at from iD, given my current resolution and position within the square, and I am not sure how to do that. Any suggestions? In one case, I took a partial screen snap and put it up on my own website and asked a question on my User Diary and got an answer. That seemed a bit convoluted. See

CloCkWeRX commented 9 years ago

@rkiddy thanks - I've put in two change requests re the typos.

There's a lot here, would you perhaps like to use the 'edit' feature to address some of the wording/phrasing changes you've proposed for each section, and submit a pull request?

I've done some for the instructions tab, added an FAQ and reworded another section; so have held off some of the other changes (editing programme, iD editor, etc)

rkiddy commented 9 years ago

Will do. I hoped that numbering the changes would make them manageable, but I do not mind doing this via a pull-request.

CloCkWeRX commented 9 years ago

With #231 and others, what's left in this one

rkiddy commented 9 years ago

@CloCkWeRX I have made a clone of this project. I am not familiar with the structure of the project. If I am looking at a specific page on the LearnOSM site, I do not see which file in the repo it is from. I mostly use github for code projects, not text projects, so I am not sure I understand the workflow here.

For example, where is the front page of this?

Is is not at _posts/it/coordination/ in the repo, so where might it be?


Nick-Tallguy commented 9 years ago

@CloCkWeRX @rkiddy I can't help too much as I'm extremely new to github and it took me a week or so of research to establish how to produce what I did (Jeff had some work clearing up after me). The main doc to look at is There is a github wiki entry but it appears there have been some changes. The main tasking manager doc is learnosm / _posts / en / coordination / The document you queried _posts/it/co.... would be in the Italian version & I guess it is there waiting for someone to translate it - but that is actually the old version for TM1, which my rewrite replaces. I can tell you that at one point I created two documents of the same name, but different numbers afterwards, and this would have caused the main site index to have two entries 'Tasking Manager' - if you load jekyll on your machine you can view your updates using localhost: etc.. as per the jekyll website. I think the -layout folder contains the key to the layout (!), but is written in html which is currently beyond me. After that it's what is contained in the header of the doc?

Personally I think it would be good to review the entries on the site & do what we can to help.

Perhaps a draft layout for the site could be produced for discussion?



CloCkWeRX commented 9 years ago

Quick visual guide to this

Whack the edit button on the content you want to edit edit

Make some changes edit_text

Use the preview to double check preview

Red = removed, green = new. heres_the_changes

Decide you are going to 'save' the changes - add meaningful notes screenshot from 2014-11-09 22 21 28

If you are done editing, ask for the changes to be merged (aka a 'Pull Request'): last_step

Its a bit more complicated than editing wikipedia, but not much. Unlike wikipedia, your changes are proposed until they are accepted/merged - so you want to do small edits on focused areas.