hotosm / oam-dynamic-tiler

Dynamic tiling of raster data for OpenAerialMap + others
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Tiles are not being generated #46

Open cgiovando opened 7 years ago

cgiovando commented 7 years ago

I just uploaded this dataset:,18.52850169172233,16/0322112030020/59757e9946e19904aab0a90f?_k=nh9qpt

But I can't get tiles - also WMTS not working:

It looks like previous datasets still work, so it's either something broken with latest commits, or an issue with this specific image?

tombh commented 7 years ago

Interesting. The underlying .tif is there: (it's 338MB so might not wanna click on that directly). I'd want to see the dynamic tiler's logs when the TMS is accessed to explore further. So I'll leave this one to @mojodna.

Also for reference, here is the TMS preview:

And here is a sample tile, it returns HTTP 200, but is simply transparent:

smit1678 commented 7 years ago

It looks like previous datasets still work

@cgiovando Where are the previous datasets you're mentioning? I only see one ImageCat/RIT image in area near Port-au-Prince.

Posting output of gdalinfo on the originally uploaded file:

Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: /vsicurl/
Size is 15142, 9876
Coordinate System is:
PROJCS["WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator",
    GEOGCS["WGS 84",
            SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
    EXTENSION["PROJ4","+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext  +no_defs"],
Origin = (-8059680.024591206572950,2100166.197311825584620)
Pixel Size = (0.134405341233579,-0.134405341232950)
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (-8059680.025, 2100166.197) ( 72d24' 4.82"W, 18d32' 2.96"N)
Lower Left  (-8059680.025, 2098838.810) ( 72d24' 4.82"W, 18d31'22.25"N)
Upper Right (-8057644.859, 2100166.197) ( 72d22'59.00"W, 18d32' 2.96"N)
Lower Right (-8057644.859, 2098838.810) ( 72d22'59.00"W, 18d31'22.25"N)
Center      (-8058662.442, 2099502.504) ( 72d23'31.91"W, 18d31'42.61"N)
Band 1 Block=15142x1 Type=Int16, ColorInterp=Gray
  NoData Value=-32768
Band 2 Block=15142x1 Type=Int16, ColorInterp=Undefined
  NoData Value=-32768
Band 3 Block=15142x1 Type=Int16, ColorInterp=Undefined
  NoData Value=-32768
Band 4 Block=15142x1 Type=Int16, ColorInterp=Undefined
  NoData Value=-32768
cgiovando commented 7 years ago

@cgiovando Where are the previous datasets you're mentioning? I only see one ImageCat/RIT image in area near Port-au-Prince.

Sorry, I meant any other file already existing in OAM, not related to this project.

Adding @smathermather as this dataset came from him

mojodna commented 7 years ago

I suspect that it has to do with it being a 4-band Int16 file (3-band Int16 sources from DG are ok, fwiw), specifically how the mask is handled. (QGIS handles this fine; use the VRT, TIFF, and mask:

The mask is a TIF containing a single-band of Byte data (0-255). It gets concatenated with the image data in, which converts it to Int16 (in this case) without scaling the values first (similar to what happens in This is treated as RGBA, so when the alpha values get scaled, it's effectively transparent. (This is an edge case, but should be fixed.)

A secondary problem that seems like it would occur is that all of the color values are in the range 0..256, which will show up as black when rescaled from 16-bit to 8-bit. This seems to me more a problem with the source data than something we can fix in a generalized way.

(QGIS handles the second problem fine, potentially because it does contrast enhancement.)

@smathermather do you know how this ended up using Int16 as the data type? (The data is 8-bit.)

mojodna commented 7 years ago

(When turning off contrast enhancement in QGIS, the image gets a yellower tinge, but is still very much an aerial image, so I'm not sure how to interpret that, particularly relative to the values that come out of the DG imagery (which I'd want to double check, but I can't remember where those images were from).)

smathermather commented 7 years ago

Hmm, not sure why it's 16-bit, but it is, as surmised, stretched from 0-255. A simple gdal_translate writing it out as 8-bit with no stretch should be adequate for loading in OAM.

mojodna commented 7 years ago

@smathermather do you know how the image was produced in the first place? I'm wondering how common files like that are in the wild...

smathermather commented 7 years ago

I need to step back through the process to find out where it got converted to 16-bit. It was either in ODM (unlikely) or using the georeferencing tool in QGIS or using GDAL to trim the image.

smathermather commented 7 years ago

Now that I'm back to my laptop, I can verify that every copy of the data I have is BYTE, so I'm not sure where or when it became 16-bit. :) @cgiovando -- did you do any post-processing in gdal to prep it for OAM?