hotosm / osm-tasking-manager2

Designed and built for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team collaborative emergency/disaster mapping, the OSM Tasking Manager 2.0 divides an area into individual squares that can be rapidly mapped by thousands of volunteers.
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rss feed for projects #136

Open pgiraud opened 10 years ago

AndrewBuck commented 9 years ago

A user had asked about getting a feed of new projects. This would not show the individual tasks within projects, merely the list of projects itself.

ethan-nelson commented 9 years ago

Check here for a library I am proposing to use for RSS feeds: Might this work?

bgirardot commented 9 years ago

I was thinking I would like an rss feed of everything that happens on a project. every task that gets checked out, every task that gets unlocked, done, validated, invalidated. basically all the activity on a project so I can get a real time sense of all the activity on a project. The activity panel does not quite do this as it only tracks done/validate/invalidate.

I would not expect anyone but a project manager to be interested in a feed of all that data, but if we have a library that is easy to use it should be easy to create an rss feed for all of a project's activity with minimal impact on anything. The suggested library looks easy enough to me.

I am not sure how we could use the GeoRSS support, but I bet we could find a way :)

Anyway, just an idea I have been thinking about and the suggested library looks quite simple to use. Thanks for finding it Ethan.

ethan-nelson commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I was thinking something like:

pierzen commented 9 years ago

I appreciate all these new contributions to develop the Tasking Manager. At the same time, we should think to progress taking into account how important is the TM for the major activations and what is needed to respond appropriately. This means both monitoring tools and some flexibility in the description, the instructions provided to the contributors. Many modifications made over the last year restricted control of the coordinators over the job description and instructions. We should also have the capacity to find rapidly all the jobs related to a particular major Activation.

From my experience coordinating major Activations, I proposed a monitoring function to better follow contributions. An API function might better serve this then a RSS.

These various tickets to make various propositions are not enough to develop the TM with a coherent approach. Architecture of the TM needs also to be discusse more globally.

bgirardot commented 9 years ago

The only down side to an api for monitoring activity is that then there needs to be another application or forward facing interface designed and coded to make use of a new API.

If there does need to be monitoring of the activity on a project, an RSS feed has the advantage of a great amount of already existing software that can consume the rss feed and make use of it.

I think monitoring all the activity on a project would be useful, but I do not run projects or activations. I only feel that way because helping with some projects and activations, I know it helps me to follow up on or prevent new mappers from making edits/done/validations that then have to be corrected later if I can see in somewhat real time all the activity.

My use case is monitoring all the activity on a project and noticing a lot of activity of any sort (checkout/unlocking/marking done/validating) from a new mapper and being able to quickly check their work and offer help/advice if needed to help them be as effective as possible. or just to say thank you.

I also agree about the roadmap or plan for development. But all the disconnected tickets help inform us to develop the roadmap as well.