hotosm / osm-tasking-manager2

Designed and built for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team collaborative emergency/disaster mapping, the OSM Tasking Manager 2.0 divides an area into individual squares that can be rapidly mapped by thousands of volunteers.
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Request a task #349

Open mikelmaron opened 9 years ago

mikelmaron commented 9 years ago

A form for humanitarian partners to request tasks / activations from HOT

dalekunce commented 9 years ago

Should support adding aoi, defining needs (buildings, roads, etc), and some ability to track the status especially imagery acquisition if appropriate

ethan-nelson commented 9 years ago

Who would we want to be notified when it's filled out? Or would we want requests to go into some pooled page/spreadsheet of sorts that can be viewed by project managers/admins?

pierzen commented 9 years ago

A few months ago, we have made an exercise to identify Development priorities. From there experience with major activation, the activators have identified Development priorities.

We need some coherence in the development of the Task Manager.

Should such propositions to modify the Activation workflow be discussed in the Activation Work Group before adding a ticket, and the benefits be presented ?

mikelmaron commented 9 years ago

Definitely should involve the Activation Working Group in improving the workflow. When's the next working group meeting?

Adding tickets are just for recording and retaining ideas, and triage by developers. There is definitely a need for more project management here, need to fill that gap. This might not even need to be something in the OSMTM itself.

Anyhow, this is a broader topic than this individual ticket. Let's bring this to general discussion to TWG and AWG.

bgirardot commented 9 years ago

does this need to be part of the tasking manager? This sounds more like a hot website form that gets emailed to the activation wg (and others, info@hotosm?). I would propose we move this issue to the @hotosm/hotosm-website project in github (we are trying to clean up the TM issue list). There might be good support for form creation in drupal and @xamanu is doing great work there. Once that form is created, I would suggest a link in the TM footer to the form "Want to propose a mapping project?" type of a link.