Open swise5 opened 8 years ago
Ok - apparently needed tms[22]:
in front of it...have asked admin to change on our specific task. Thanks!
I'm going to reopen this issue because this came up with someone else a few weeks ago but a ticket was never opened. There should probably be some client-side validation of the imagery url before saving.
e.g. Project set up correctly with seemingly correct imagery URL ({z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiZGlnaXRhbGdsb2JlIiwiYSI6ImNpbncxNzE4OTE1dm51a2x5dzlkMXI0eHUifQ.TPHGd-IakYZGSP1ja3WTbQ
), however as of 18:27 BST, 6 Sep, 2016 this generates the following remote control request:which causes JOSM 10786 to return the response