hotosm / osm-tasking-manager2

Designed and built for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team collaborative emergency/disaster mapping, the OSM Tasking Manager 2.0 divides an area into individual squares that can be rapidly mapped by thousands of volunteers.
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Release statistics relating to feedback messages through TM2 and continued contributions #848

Open Nick-Tallguy opened 7 years ago

Nick-Tallguy commented 7 years ago

Feedback is acknowledged in training circles as an essential training aid.

Can statistics (not the actual messages, just some form of statistics) be released to indicate if there is a relationship between a (new?) mapper continuing to map after displaying a message. Also if there is an indication that a mapper has their work rejected (invalidated) if this makes it more likely that they will stop.

johnwhelan commented 7 years ago

I did a very crude experiment on this sometime ago. There were two comparable projects with adjoining numbers, one had a very accurate validator on it and I took the other one. The first project had a high number of tiles declared invalid. The approach I took was not to invalidate but to validate and provide near neutral feedback. ie added 182 settlements, or twenty five highways. It takes more validation effort but what happened was the second project was completed much faster than the first and I got a lot more tiles out of the mappers. I can dig the project numbers out but I'd prefer not to.

We had one mapper who was a bit enthusiastic and was instrumental in getting his company to help out from their offices all over the world. His comment was it was the initial feedback that encouraged him. My thoughts were more along the lines of some of the other mappers from his company were hard work validating. Many of their first languages weren't English and I'm not sure if the validation messages were getting through.

Currently on 1087 I have one local mapper who is mapping quietly away and I strongly suspect that is because of validation feedback and to me having local mappers in there mapping is definitely worthwhile.