Designed and built for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team collaborative emergency/disaster mapping, the OSM Tasking Manager 2.0 divides an area into individual squares that can be rapidly mapped by thousands of volunteers.
John Whelan mentioned this on the HOT email list. I presume he means an opt-in kind of thing where you can check a box that says "notify me when squares are completed"
Some sort of notification of when a tile is completed on a selected project.
Currently I open up four projects each day and check for completed tiles so I can validate them. Three are moving very slowly currently, it can be a couple of weeks before another batch of tiles gets done.
Problem is at the moment the HOT tile server is overloaded and checking for done tiles is a load that really shouldn't be placed on the server unless a tile has been completed.
John Whelan mentioned this on the HOT email list. I presume he means an opt-in kind of thing where you can check a box that says "notify me when squares are completed"