pedantic_core._pedantic_core.Validation Error: 1 validation error for Settings SENTRY_BACKEND_DSN
It was necessary to add Optional[str]
pedantic_or._pedantic_core.Validation Error: 3 validation errors for Connection Config MAIL_USERNAME
It should have been changed from None to ""
The "ConnectionConfig" class is not "Optional[str]" for pydantic
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There are two problems here:
pedantic_core._pedantic_core.Validation Error: 1 validation error for Settings SENTRY_BACKEND_DSN It was necessary to add Optional[str]
pedantic_or._pedantic_core.Validation Error: 3 validation errors for Connection Config MAIL_USERNAME MAIL_PASSWORD MAIL_SERVER It should have been changed from None to "" The "ConnectionConfig" class is not "Optional[str]" for pydantic