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Use for public history of HOT's slack channels? #86

Open cgiovando opened 7 years ago

cgiovando commented 7 years ago

Something similar to what Gitter has by default.

See as an example. Archives here

Would be nice if we could also embed this into HOT's website for anyone to see conversations going on in real time.

CC @bgirardot @smit1678 @davidneudorfer

smit1678 commented 7 years ago

@cgiovando Nice, I had not seen that. I've also just tried out, which connects services together. I've started a test connection between two Gitter rooms: <--> Works well. This could be an option for pushing and pulling chats in and out of Slack and Gitter.

Not sure if they give nonprofit pricing but going to inquire.

smit1678 commented 6 years ago

Bringing this up again. Do we want to try this out? Is having access to chat helpful for folks that have not signed up?

bgirardot commented 6 years ago

the last time the IRC channel log archive issue came up, there was a controversy about making people knew their chats were being logged and posted publicly.

I think the same thing applies here. If we are planning on putting logs into some other service to be public, we probably should have or should notify users so they are aware of that.

I also am not sure there is any benefit to it as nate suggests. I do not think anyone has ever asked. Seems like just one more thing to keep track of.

smit1678 commented 6 years ago

I feel like the main goal with any of this is to create more access and participation in conversations. I think things like Sameroom provider better access than just being able to read chat logs. So I think you're right @bgirardot that it might be just one more thing to keep track of that doesn't fully solve the issue.

Sameroom gets us there with connections to Gitter but I think something like Matrix might be a better, open source solution. From what I understand we would essentially offer anyone the ability to join the HOTOSM chat network through multiple channels - i.e. Enter through Slack, Enter through IRC, or enter through Gitter.

If we want to go fully into something that is open source and make it fully run and managed by HOT as an alternative to Slack, we could look at something like

xamanu commented 6 years ago

I have been playing around with Matrix over the last months. While it is a very interesting concept it still doesn't seem to be mature at all. In case there is interest in the team to set a server up, I'd be happy to contribute, with a docker based setup for it.

smit1678 commented 6 years ago

Thanks @xamanu. I also just saw that and Matrix just got a big investment so there may be some work behind it to try to make it more mature, but not sure what that will mean for the project.

In case there is interest in the team to set a server up, I'd be happy to contribute, with a docker based setup for it.

Thumbs up from me if you still think it's worthwhile to test; always up for experimenting and seeing how something works.