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Discussion: how do we structure this repo? #96

Open smit1678 opened 6 years ago

smit1678 commented 6 years ago

Related to #94 but more about how we structure this repo. How do we want to structure using folders and markdown documents in the repo, wiki pages, and label issues? What are things we want included in this repo versus what is included in specific project repos?

Want to open this up to discussion for input for a period. Issues and work should continue but we'll start a thread of discussion here. We can then bring things in line with what we agree upon.

smit1678 commented 6 years ago

To start the conversation, I'm going to try to answer the first the question with some ideas:

How do we want to structure using folders and markdown documents in the repo, wiki pages, and label issues?

I think the following structure might work well:


Project ideas - this is to consolidate the repo. Instead of a separate repo, these project ideas are discussed within the tech repo. The project ideas folder can contain briefs or more in-depth write ups about project ideas. For things like Google Summer of Code and Outreachy, we can silo into folders so it is easy to identify and organize.

Quarterly Goals - the idea here is that we can better document and share our goals. What is our focus for the next few months? How can other organizations and individuals help support or contribute to those goals.

Principles-Guidelines - How do we think about open source software and development? What are our guidelines or principles we consider when evaluating software or thinking about a project? How do we make decisions or organize staff, volunteers, contributors to projects? These are principles or guidelines that we adhere to and drive our work.

Resources - This is a catch all for simple help documents or other materials for getting things done. Info that doesn't fit into LearnOSM or another project repo can be here.

Other thoughts?

russdeffner commented 6 years ago

This is great, my only thought is 'do we want to also have yearly goals'; i.e. broader goals like build V4 of TM, with quarterly goals making up the more specific objectives to get there.