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Scoping out OMK priorities for an upcoming sprint #98

Open smit1678 opened 6 years ago

smit1678 commented 6 years ago

HOT has several upcoming projects that will look to leverage OpenMapKit Server. In advance, let's start a thread here that outlines some of priorities as well as nice-to-haves. This is just a start, mainly to the question of:

What are some existing workflow challenges with OpenMapKit that can be address in 4-6 weeks of development?

I've chatted briefly with a few people including @mataharimhairi @mojodna and @danbjoseph but want to open it up further as we hone in on a list. Some of these are also currently captured in a few places and from this thread we'll move items into their appropriate repos (OpenMapKitServer, OpenMapKitAndroid).

Breaking this into two overarching categories:

  1. OMK Server improvements
  2. OMK mobile app improvements

Depending on the technical lift, some of these may or may not be able to be addresses without some significant rewrites of either application so that should be flagged now and considered.

@mberg - how far ahead or perpendicular is the Ona fork for the Android app? What are the improvements that have been made in relation to the mSpray work? Is it worth considering how to get some of the improvements made back into the core app?

OMK Server improvement ideas

OMK mobile app improvement ideas

mataharimhairi commented 6 years ago

@smit1678 thanks for getting this started. having the above improvements will definitely assist with data collection efforts on the ground, and managing it for quality check afterwards.

in regards to the OMK mobile app improvement, yes, the ability to edit and add attribute information to polyline features would greatly help our data entry specialists on the ground.

smit1678 commented 6 years ago

From @PaulUithol:

Requests from teams:

  • Per form, have the ability to filter submissions by date (start/end), author, OSM id
  • As some teams have a large number of distinct forms, finding/downloading new submissions can be tricky and time consuming. Proposal: have an "all submissions" view across forms that also has the ability to filter submissions by date (start/end), author, OSM id
PaulUithol commented 6 years ago

^ these relate to what we find is the main bottleneck at the moment to enable use of OMKServer in field situations; management and processing of form submissions

PaulUithol commented 6 years ago

To expand a bit on the OMK Mobile app improvement ideas/renderer:

Currently, there are quite some setup steps involved in preparing for deployment of a project. We'd like to ease/simplify setup/deployment. Right now, the minimum steps are to:

  1. Create (xls) forms, satisfy both ODK+OMK
  2. Create OMK constraints files (global + per form)
  3. Create mbtiles for basemap (if expected to be in area with decreased network coverage)
  4. Pull .osm xml, scoped to the subset of features we'd like to appear/be editable to data collectors (for example, we'd only want water point POIs to appear and not mobile money agents, or vice versa)

If we replace the current renderer to enable direct usage of vector data (can that/MapboxGL use .osm xml somehow?), that would allow us to:

PaulUithol commented 6 years ago

(on type of file to use for 3/4 - GeoPackage may also be pretty cool?)

bgirardot commented 6 years ago

I +100 to all the items that make deployment and form creation easier

And documentation? Does that exist? We should make sure there is a LearnOSM module for it if there is not one already. I can look into that.

PaulUithol commented 6 years ago

Definitely! On docs, there's a bunch at

danbjoseph commented 6 years ago

Would be nice to review updates to the main ODK project since OMKServer was first created and make sure that it can handle all data from all standard questions as well as OpenMapKit type questions?

danbjoseph commented 6 years ago

@PaulUithol - the docs could use an overhaul/refresh. and also would benefit from a different publishing format. i'm not really a fan of theDocs being used right now.

mataharimhairi commented 6 years ago

Here is some additional recommendations from the HOT team in Indonesia, following our Tech WG meeting:

OpenMapKit App

OpenMapKit Server

smit1678 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for everyone's input thus far. To make sure everyone has the link, we've sketched out some initial tickets and moved the initial work on the server app into a Project view in the hotosm/OpenMapKitServer repo.

Over the next few weeks we're going to knock out some of the low hanging fruit for the OMK Server, but based on the discussion above there is clearly a need to do more development on the Android App.