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Nepal Earthquake tracing guides: discussion #49

Closed d3netxer closed 9 years ago

d3netxer commented 9 years ago

so this guide got started by @CmdrKerfy I presume:

I think it would be worth it to have multiple Nepal tracing guides. Or at least 2.

-One for pre-disaster imagery mapping projects (any volunteers?). It would probably involve translating the current instructions to one. However, we should ask whoever set-up the existing projects if they would like one or not.

-One for pre-disaster/post-disaster imagery mapping projects. Depending on how this is planned, it may be better to have more than one guide for these types of projects.

Geocruizer commented 9 years ago

idp_settlement-notrace idp_settlement ktm-camps-afp

Geocruizer commented 9 years ago

idp_tent-notrace idp_tent ktmtent

Geocruizer commented 9 years ago

adds IDP tent

Geocruizer commented 9 years ago

idptents-notrace idptents

Geocruizer commented 9 years ago

idpsettlement-notrace idpsettlement

Geocruizer commented 9 years ago


Geocruizer commented 9 years ago

idptents_before idptents_after

d3netxer commented 9 years ago
