hotosm / tracing-guides

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material to link to, borrow from, for IDP camp tracing guide #50

Open mikelmaron opened 9 years ago

mikelmaron commented 9 years ago

d3netxer commented 9 years ago

FYI: This resource focuses explicitly on “planned” refugee or IDP camps. A planned camp, as defined in the context of this guide, is a displaced population camp of refugees and/or IDPs being serviced by international and non-governmental aid agencies in a specific location.

d3netxer commented 9 years ago

While most of the material will not apply to IDP sites in Nepal unless a planned IDP camp exists. There are some general points from the report that highlight good practices. Mainly highlighted in section 2B. (pg 4)

2B. Practical and Operational Considerations When Interpreting Camp Imagery

• What information do potential end-users need? • What is the camp’s history and context? • What are the limitations of available imagery data? • How will change be measured over time? • What objects will be identified? • What is the plan for data recording and storage?