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User Study of Training Center #5

Open MfonobongD opened 4 years ago

MfonobongD commented 4 years ago

Tool: Training Center Link to Tool:

Potential Users (HOTOSM: Training Center)

Functions and Objectives of HOT OSM Training Center:

Potential Users: (Hot OSM Team Members)

  1. NGO’s E.g Doctors Without Borders, Online Volunteers
  2. Hot OSM Team Members E.g Coders, Designers, Product Managers etc.*
  3. Outreachy Applicants
  4. Partners

Summary of Users: 1. NGO’s E.g Doctors Without Borders, Online Volunteers etc. DwoB’s use OSM to map critical healthcare facilities in locations where government or ‘official’ map data is not accurate or up to date. DwoB’s use information mapped on the OSM platform to make important, critical decisions about healthcare needs of local populations. DwoB’s would potentially use the training centre if they had a long term formal response to a crisis and they needed to have better, overall knowledge of the OSM systems. The sections they might most be interested in are ‘Community Care’ ‘And Tasking’ The courses are designed specifically around the activities and skills necessary to successfully operate the HOT Disaster Mapping Program.

2. **Hot OSM Team Members E.g Coders, Designers, Product Managers etc.*** As much as most of the Internal Team members worked on the tool, it has given them much understanding of how to administer, maintain, and support HOT servers and community-critical applications including Tasking Manager, OSM Export Tool, OpenAerialMap, OSM Analytics, and HOT website. This includes administering our cloud-providers like AWS, Heroku, Hetzner, and Microsoft Azure. This also includes helping implement development roadmaps. This section might most be interested in are ‘OSM Management’, Hot Reporting: Effective Documentation for Activations, Using OSM: Putting Data to Work and Hot Validation: Fixing Data and Mappers

3. Outreachy Applicants As newly accepted interns who would be required to work on Humanitarian OpenStreetMap, they will be required to take the courses to have a better understanding of what Organization they are working with, the internal tools and how to use them. This section will be overly interested in the: they will use it to have a better knowledge of the OSM systems.

4. Partners HOT provides open source tools, training and expertise to help organisations get started with large scale volunteering, run rapid field data collection campaigns, and improve the way they use technology and open map data in their organisations. Partners are sets of people that use the OSM Map layers in their products. This section will be interested in: Activation Essentials