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Remove /config/initializers/secret_token.rb from git repo! #737

Closed Linutux closed 11 years ago

Linutux commented 11 years ago

Your git repo contains /config/initializers/secret_token.rb. This file is used to encrypt cookies. If someone knows this secret, he could pretend to be UID=1 (Admin) and could break into any system running the bare More info: Workaround: Remove the file and provide an example file with a different secret than the one used on

zph commented 11 years ago

If you read the code, you'll notice that there is no hard coded value for the 'secret token' in that file.

In test envs this is automatically generated, in production it's contained in a non-git commited config file.

Closing as incorrect.

steveklabnik commented 11 years ago

Thank you for mentioning it though!

Linutux commented 11 years ago

I'm sorry, I confused two git repos. I had two browser tabs with the same file open and that's what happened. I'm sorry!

But nevertheless it could be of interest for others, who also have rails apps on Github.

zph commented 11 years ago

No worries :). Sorry if I sounded short, I was typing it from a phone.

Also, interestingly enough, when I saw that blog post that you referenced and Googled for 'secret_token.rb' on github... This repo was one of the first to come up. I was happy to see that it wasn't truly vulnerable :).