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Simple microblogging network based on the ostatus protocol.
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Adds a checkbox that might make it a bit annoying to post spam on rstatus #757

Closed carols10cents closed 7 years ago

carols10cents commented 11 years ago

When javascript is enabled, the checkbox will get checked and hidden, so legitimate users won't experience anything different.

If a legitimate user has javascript disabled, they'll see an unchecked checkbox that says "I am not a spammer", and if they check it, their update will be posted.

Any request that does not have this checkbox checked will not result in a posted update.

This might stop spam for a bit, until they figure out they need to send something in this parameter...

jrgifford commented 11 years ago

This will simply hold off the inevitable return of the spammers.


wilkie commented 11 years ago

The thing is, if there was a proper api for updating, then this mechanism doesn't work at all. And this adds something that forces an impact on all nodes that only makes sense for the main node when perhaps the best thing to do is just create limits (through a parameter that defaults to 'off' or 'infinite' or something) for the number of updates one can have (perhaps total) and solidify the main node as just demonstrative.

carols10cents commented 11 years ago

I've been avoiding this whole thing because I know there are issues with the node and the codebase that demand different approaches. Steve's getting emails about the node being a source of spam links blah blah blah, and I really just want to try and make it stop a bit in the short term. This is clearly not an acceptable long term solution.

The failures seem to be something with elasticsearch/tire, I'm looking into it.

steveklabnik commented 11 years ago

Yeah, I've been thinking about a way to deal with this too, and I'm unsure.

In general, we should probably delete a bunch of accounts and updates that are obviously spam, I might do that later today.

We could also do what Discourse does: every hour or day, delete everything, and put it back to seed data.

What would you all think of thtat?

jrgifford commented 11 years ago

We could also do what Discourse does: every hour or day, delete everything, and put it back to seed data.

Yes, and no. I would say that until federating is up-and-running, since is the only "commonly known" node, no. after that, yes!

colindean commented 11 years ago

I would say that until federating is up and-running, since is the only "commonly known" node, no. after that, yes!


wilkie commented 11 years ago

Then... all of you should make your own nodes. Because until you do, that will never happen.