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Switch to the mongolab heroku addon #832

Closed carols10cents closed 9 years ago

carols10cents commented 9 years ago

Hiiiiii @wilkie, moar guilt for yooooou!!!! :heart_eyes:

I was just trying out the heroku button again and it didn't work because Mongohq no longer offers their free sandbox plugin. Mongolab does, so this change gets it working again.

carols10cents commented 9 years ago

oh ffs. Nevermind, we have a hardcoded env var to MONGOHQ_URL so no, this doesn't work.

carols10cents commented 9 years ago

Ok. Since heroku doesn't have a standard env var name for all the mongo addons, I just made the config fall back through all the current options, so this should work for now for any mongo addon from heroku that someone might pick.

I made the last env var MONGO_URL; I think that's what we should recommend for non-heroku prod setups, and perhaps in the future I'll figure out how to make app.json find the one that's set and rename it to MONGO_URL either in the heroku config or in the ruby process before config/mongo.yml is loaded.

But this was the simplest thing that worked for now; I got a new instance deployed and functional through the heroku button on this branch.

wilkie commented 9 years ago

Interesting. You have a few I don't have! For reference, I've been doing this monstrosity in mongo projects:

carols10cents commented 9 years ago

yep. mongolab, mongohq/compose, and german based beta mongosoup.

wilkie commented 9 years ago

Alright. This looks fine so far. I'm not sure how one could reasonably make it better. It's exactly the same kind of thing I do in other projects.