hotshotco / Hotshot-XL

✨ Hotshot-XL: State-of-the-art AI text-to-GIF model trained to work alongside Stable Diffusion XL
Apache License 2.0
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I wrote a Gradio interface and fixed the build instructions #26

Open RamboRogers opened 8 months ago

RamboRogers commented 8 months ago

If you want to take the file it will give you a gradio interface. interface

GARV-k commented 2 weeks ago

It doesn't work for me. I did it with the same settings as your example. Just for a different prompt but the output was just a black image. Also I got a warning : seed: 3461188826 Loading pipeline components...: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████| 7/7 [05:28<00:00, 46.93s/it] Warning - setting num_images_per_prompt = 1 because video_length = 8 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 30/30 [1:50:08<00:00, 220.28s/it] 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 8/8 [03:25<00:00, 25.72s/it] seed: 2958070946