hotshotco / Hotshot-XL

✨ Hotshot-XL: State-of-the-art AI text-to-GIF model trained to work alongside Stable Diffusion XL
Apache License 2.0
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Garbage GIF output #55

Open GARV-k opened 2 weeks ago

GARV-k commented 2 weeks ago

I want 16fps 1 sec vids so I ran the following command using the base model : python --prompt="A black baby bear walking on some rocks" --output="output1.gif" --video_length=16 --video_duration=1000 And the output was a gif file. entirely black. It was not even a video. P.S : THere was a warning in the terminal : Warning - setting num_images_per_prompt = 1 because video_length = 16

Would request the repo maintainers to look into it.

GARV-k commented 2 weeks ago

I also tried the gradio made by one of the guys for this model (he has mentioned it in one of the issues. ) And I encountered the same warning and problem there. I think so the warning is the root of the problem.