hotwax / available-to-promise

HotWax Commerce Threshold Management App
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 21 forks source link

ATP App Testing Phase III #313

Closed Adameddy26 closed 1 month ago

Adameddy26 commented 2 months ago

Issues List

  1. Create a rule in Threshold/Safety Stock/Store Pickup/Shipping -> Select product tags/features ->Go back and open the create rule page -> Old selection persists on UI.
  2. Create a rule in Product&Channels tab for Store Pickup/Shipping -> Open create rule page in Product&Facilities tab -> Go back -> User is navigated to Product&Channels tab instead of Product&Facilities.
  3. Store Pickup -> Product&Channels -> Create new rule -> Not visible in list just after creation.
  4. No empty state present for scheduler history.
  5. Multiple 'Click backdrop to dismiss' messages are prompted on UI and continous loading occurs when user creates a rule or channel group and changes the product store.
  6. Store Pickup -> Create a rule (select facilities) -> Selected facilities are not visible in card after rule creation.
  7. If an inventory channel group is created using existing group name then in this case config facilities selected for previously created channel groups are getting changed to new group selected config facility. Also selected facilities and warehouses of previously created channel groups are getting set for the newly created channel group.
  8. If inventory channel group name is removed and saved on edit then in 'Include facilities group' modal, checkboxes are visible with empty group name.
  9. Selection of facilities in create rule page when the page is opened from product&channels tab. Same for channels when user tries to create a rule from product&facilities tab. Both of these should not be allowed.
  10. 'No channel found for current product store'. This empty message is visible on clicking create rule button for the product store for which no channels are configured. First of all 'current' can be changed to 'selected'. Also in this case user is unable to create any rule as channel selection is mandatory. User should be notified with a proper message keeping save button as disabled.
  11. User is able to update and save the same value which is previously set in case of threshold and safety stock.
  12. If window width is reduced then in this case, section heading is not visible.
  13. In the product features selection modal, when the user scrolls to the bottom of the list, the loader becomes visible briefly, and the scroll position resets to the top.
amansinghbais commented 2 months ago

Here in 8th point, while we try creating group using existing facility group id the api should give give error, but in our case it is not giving any error instead updating the group. This should be handled from the backend.

Adameddy26 commented 2 months ago

There are few more issues I have found while testing the fixes of above mentioned issues. Therefore, reopening this ticket.

  1. Shipping -> Navigate from Facility to Channel -> All the rules after count of 10 are getting disappeared -> Scroll down to the bottom of the page -> White space is present.
  2. Shipping -> Edit group -> Toggle ON /OFF not working.
  3. Shipping rule can be created without name or selecting any facility/channel.
  4. Store pickup/Shipping -> Open Product and Channel tab -> First try to navigate from threshold/safety stock to store pickup/shipping and then try to navigate from inventory channels to store pickup/shipping -> Observe the issue.
  5. Try to save the rule without selecting any facility group or channel -> Toast 'Please select atleast one config facility/facility group' -> This toast should be changed to 'Please select atleast one channel/facility'.
  6. Threshold/Safety stock -> Create rule -> Input field of safety stock and threshold is inserting the negative value on clicking the down arrow. Also in case of safety stock the rule is getting saved with the negative value.

@amansinghbais Please look into the same.

amansinghbais commented 2 months ago

Here 2nd point is fixed in following PR:

Adameddy26 commented 1 month ago

Found 2 issues after the fixes/new changes -

  1. Create first rule in threshold/safety stock/shipping/store pickup for any product store -> Once the scheduler gets visible, run now the scheduler without setting the schedule for a particular time frequency -> Open the scheduler history -> Observe the issue.
  2. Shipping -> Facility -> User is not able to set the max order fulfillment capacity for a facility.
  3. On opening the edit rule/group page, new rule page gets displayed for a second or two and then edit rule/group page is displayed.

Considering the above three issues; reopening this ticket. @amansinghbais Please look into the same.

amansinghbais commented 1 month ago

Fixed the above issues in following PR:

Adameddy26 commented 1 month ago

Verified all issues and are working fine in release v3.0.0. Hence, closing it.