hotwired / hotwire-native-android

Hotwire Native for Android
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Visiting same page doesn't replace on stack #27

Open joemasilotti opened 8 months ago

joemasilotti commented 8 months ago

In Hotwire Native iOS, visiting the same page that is currently being displayed will automatically replace it. On Hotwire Native Android, this pushes a new screen onto the stack.

Same is true for when visiting a page that is exactly the same as the previous one on the stack.

Here is the relevant iOS code that handles both of these scenarios:

jayohms commented 8 months ago

Thanks, this is surprising 🤔. I'll have to look into it. That's not how it's designed to work:

joemasilotti commented 7 months ago

My mistake! The library is indeed replacing the screen when the same page is visited.

However, it plays the same animation as if you were pushing a new screen on the stack. Which confused me.

It seems that the correct animation plays when using data-turbo-action="replace" and when visiting the same page via a link tap. But it plays the "wrong" animation when submitting a form that navigates to the same page that was previously shown.

You can replicate this in the demo server with the following diff:

diff --git a/server.js b/server.js
index bd40580..e1e9dad 100644
--- a/server.js
+++ b/server.js
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ app.get("/new", (request, response) => {
 })"/new", (request, response) => {
-  response.redirect("/success")
+  response.redirect("/")

 app.get("/strada-form", (request, response) => {

Then tapping "Load a webpage modally" and then "Submit Form". The home page should animate in via a fade animation but instead is pushed onto the stack.