hotwired / turbo-android

Android framework for making Turbo native apps
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Simplify TurboVisitResponse in debug logs #264

Closed adam-h closed 10 months ago

adam-h commented 1 year ago

Not showing the full HTML in the logs, which makes them tricky to read.


options: TurboVisitOptions(action=ADVANCE, snapshotHTML=null, response=TurboVisitResponse(statusCode=200, responseHTML=<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html class='h-full' lang='en'>
    <meta charset='UTF-8'>


options: TurboVisitOptions(action=ADVANCE, snapshotHTML=null, response=TurboVisitResponse<responseCode: 200 responseLength: 30831>)
jayohms commented 10 months ago

@adam-h Thanks for the feedback! I've addressed this in a slightly different way in so that it's still clear what the responseHTML contains.

adam-h commented 10 months ago

Nice! Thanks :)