hotwired / turbo-rails

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Docs typo fix. broadcast_refreshes_to method does not exist #596

Closed ConfusedVorlon closed 2 months ago

ConfusedVorlon commented 4 months ago

broadcasts_refreshes_to method does exist

dapi commented 3 months ago

Thank you for the issue!

broadcast_refreshes does not exist also ;)

$ ag broadcast_refreshes 
90:# The +broadcast_refreshes+ class method configures the model to broadcast a "page refresh" on creates, 
94:#     broadcast_refreshes
107:# You can also specify the streamable declaratively by passing a symbol to the +broadcast_refreshes_to+ method:
111:#     broadcast_refreshes_to :board
ConfusedVorlon commented 3 months ago

I see an approval - but also the workflow requires an approval from a maintainer.

Can someone do that?

jorgemanrubia commented 2 months ago

Thanks @ConfusedVorlon. This was addressed by