After i upgraded from version 8.0.10 to 8.0.11 i got the following issue:
Uncaught TypeError: ya is not a function
at this positon:
function bi(t, n) {
return ya(t, n) && !
im using this build
"build": "esbuild app/javascript/application.js --bundle --minify --sourcemap --format=esm --outdir=app/assets/builds --public-path=/assets --tree-shaking=false"
After i upgraded from version 8.0.10 to 8.0.11 i got the following issue:
Uncaught TypeError: ya is not a function
at this positon:
function bi(t, n) { return ya(t, n) && ! }
im using this build "build": "esbuild app/javascript/application.js --bundle --minify --sourcemap --format=esm --outdir=app/assets/builds --public-path=/assets --tree-shaking=false"
these are my dependencies
"dependencies": { "@hotwired/turbo": "8.0.10", "@hotwired/turbo-rails": "8.0.10", "blueimp-file-upload": "^10.32.0", "esbuild": "^0.21.5", "jquery": "^3.7.1", "sass": "^1.80.4" }, "resolutions": { "@hotwired/turbo": "8.0.10" }
and im using node 22.8.0
this is my application.js
import './src/init_jquery'; import './vendor/jquery-ui'; import "@hotwired/turbo-rails"
and this the init_jquery.js
import jquery from 'jquery'; window.$ = jquery; window.jQuery = jquery; $ = jquery;