houdiniproject / houdini

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Arbitrary supporter data, custom form fields with payment #237

Open heyakyra opened 4 years ago

heyakyra commented 4 years ago

Along with #236, it would be useful to create customize payment forms to collect questions from supporters. It is often useful to collect miscellaneous feedback like "How did you hear about us?" "What area of our work are you most interested in?", etc.

wwahammy commented 4 years ago

@heyakyra these actually already exist! They're called custom fields and you can add them to the donate wizard by modifying the donate button tags. This is from the donate form help:

You can set the data-custom-fields attribute to add custom fields to the info step of the donate form. Each custom field attribute is comprised of two parts separated by an colon character (example: "shirt size: T-shirt size"). The first part is the name of the custom field and the second part is the text to display on the input. If the second part isn't provided, the name of the custom field will be displayed on the input. Each custom field should be separated by a comma. If the custom field doesn't already exist it will be created. <a class='commitchange-donate' data-custom-fields='shirt size: T-shirt size, company: Company name'></a>

This doesn't work though on campaign pages, the donate page itself or the event ticketing system. Would this meet your needs?