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[FEATURE] Auto-reload Event Stats Page #242

Open wendylbolm opened 4 years ago

wendylbolm commented 4 years ago

It is frustrating when nonprofits have to refresh their stats page manually during events.

Solution: Page reloads on a set time schedule automatically. (every 2-3 seconds?)

wwahammy commented 4 years ago

@wendylbolm please use the template for filling out issues going forward. This is no longer the wild west :smile:

pedrohelias commented 1 year ago

@wendylbolm can you say more about this trouble? Could you use the template to show the problems

wendylbolm commented 1 year ago

@pedrohelias Sure!

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

Nonprofits often use the stats page for Events at in-person events to show the total fundraised so far and to increase donations amongst the people at the event. They often show the page on a projection screen or monitor. It's frustrating to nonprofit users to have to refresh the page to update the stats, as this pulls them away from more valuable tasks.

Describe the solution you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

It would be helpful if the Stats page auto-updated so that it doesn't have to be manually refreshed, and so the donation volume for an event could be shown in real time. Ideally, it would be auto-refreshed so quickly that people won't notice it, but refreshing every 1-2 seconds is probably a "good enough" solution.

Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

I don't know of any alternative solutions.

Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

This is an example of a Stats page on CommitChange: https://us.commitchange.com/wi/appleton/sample-commitchange-nonprofit/events/poetry-for-inspiration-and-wellbeing-2021_copy_00/stats

pedrohelias commented 1 year ago

Hey @wendylbolm , sorry for the late. Thanks for this, we will check this issue.