hougaard / Simple-Object-Designer

Issue tracking for the Simple Object Designer for Business Central
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Flowfields with Flowfield Filters using the same field #323

Closed asubi closed 7 months ago

asubi commented 7 months ago

Hello, Looking to create a flowfield that uses the flowfield filters, ex: like Job Task Lines total fields:

    field(10; "Schedule (Total Cost)"; Decimal)
        AutoFormatType = 1;
        BlankZero = true;
        CalcFormula = Sum("Job Planning Line"."Total Cost (LCY)" WHERE("Job No." = FIELD("Job No."),
                                                                        "Job Task No." = FIELD("Job Task No."),
                                                                        _"Job Task No." = FIELD(FILTER(Totaling)),_
                                                                        "Schedule Line" = CONST(true),
                                                                        _"Planning Date" = FIELD("Planning Date Filter")));_ 

It always returns an error "The record in table FlowField Filter already exists..." when you try to add the same field twice, even if the Filter Type is different.

Is this possible?

hougaard commented 7 months ago

... I don't think we're support FIELD(FILTER( right now, but you can use use flowfilter filter fields...

asubi commented 7 months ago

Can this be considered for enhancement? FIELD(FILTER(... ??

hougaard commented 7 months ago

Sure, wait for the new release in start December...