hougaard / Simple-Object-Designer

Issue tracking for the Simple Object Designer for Business Central
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Item Class #333

Closed sjmoelgaard closed 6 months ago

sjmoelgaard commented 6 months ago

Hey Eric,

Is it possiable to make e new field showing the description of another field.

I want to show the category Code name on items, i have tried with flow field and lookup but cant seem to get it working.

Is it me, or is it now possiable ? :)

Kind Regards Stefan

hougaard commented 6 months ago

That should be possible with a FlowField, subtype = Lookup.

sjmoelgaard commented 6 months ago

That is eacatly what i tried, but cant get it to work. Here is my setup


and the result

It just says computere no matter what i do.


hougaard commented 6 months ago

Have you specified the flowfield filter (in the next section), you need to link the "Item Category Code" field to the Code field in the Item Category table.