hougaard / Simple-Object-Designer

Issue tracking for the Simple Object Designer for Business Central
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Missing options of SOD main application #343

Closed ScottB-Ronco closed 5 months ago

ScottB-Ronco commented 5 months ago

Yesterday in our sandbox environment, I deployed some changes to the system for testing purposes and the deployment when I went back in SOD I am missing all options under the Tasks & Inspect and Customize Objects sections, see below screenshot.


I tried clearing browser cache, refreshing symbols multiple times, I tried upgrading it to latest version and I even uninstalled the application (did not deleted application data) as well as the AL Compiler and tried to reinstall, but the same problem persisted.

How can I get back all SOD options? Do I need to uninstalled and remove extension data as well to get this fixed?

I'm afraid if I do that it will clear out all the fields, features and other work I've added in our sandbox and reset the statistics area back to zero for everything added to the system and recorded by SOD, essentially make SOD look like a new install, which I do not want.

Now under Setup, I see options in SOD to Export and Import App, so if when I uninstall and delete extension data can I use this to import back my app with everything as it was before?

ScottB-Ronco commented 5 months ago

I will be closing this ticket as I got the problem resolved.

Since I wasn't sure if Export/Import App options would work when uninstalling SOD and deleting extension data would work., I created a new sandbox and tested it there.

I found out the Export/Import App feature worked and did just that, it allowed me to restore all settings and customizations retained in SOD since the last time I deployed an app.

So with that everything is back to normal, just not sure why it happened in the first place.

ScottB-Ronco commented 5 months ago

Spoke too soon, the moment I imported back my SOD app settings through Import app function, everything came back with all menu options, but when I closed SOD and opened again, sure enough all options under the Tasks & Inspect and Customize Objects sections disappeared again, as shown in image above.

With that how does this get fixed now?

hougaard commented 5 months ago

Theres a switch on the setup page to turn your extension into a api-only app. That must have been clicked.

ScottB-Ronco commented 5 months ago

I just went into SOD setup and that switch is greyed out, can't turn it on or off.


ScottB-Ronco commented 5 months ago

So I tried to init a new app and when I did that sure enough in setup the Only allow API creation was turned off.

When I tried to import back in my json file with all my SOD customizations, it immediately turned API creation on and disabled it.

Even when I did init new app and toggle API creation it greys it out an disables the ability to turn it back off.

Is there anything I can change in my json file of the app export that will allow the field to be toggle off again during import?

hougaard commented 5 months ago

If you can find field 300 in table 70310252 in the json file, you should be able to edit that, and then import it again.

ScottB-Ronco commented 5 months ago

Perfect that worked.. I searched the json file for 70310252 went through that line until I found F300 and changed value from true to false and imported it back in and all is back to normal.

Thank you

hougaard commented 5 months ago

Hacker ;)