hougaard / Simple-Object-Designer

Issue tracking for the Simple Object Designer for Business Central
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Report computed field - not working. #361

Open stan-w-gifford opened 3 weeks ago

stan-w-gifford commented 3 weeks ago

Caveat: I am not a BC expert - but we are trying to become masters of our own destiny rather than rely on external consultants.

Problem: Our invoices need to show the previously paid amount. Essentially this is via the expression "Header."Amount Including VAT" - Header."Remaining Amount""

The problem is that the calculation is incorrect. What I did then was to create another computed field called 'Balance' which had the expression "Header."Remaining Amount" - when I placed this on the report, the value it contained was zero. I exported my dataset to excel and the amount for that 'column' was zero. This then appears to be where my original calculation using "Header."Amount Including VAT" - Header."Remaining Amount"" failed. The dataset has a correct value in Header."Remaining Amount" ($1276.04) in my example. I have published my solution and updated the dataset

For us, this issue (which I am sure is of my own doing) is a showstopper - we would like to purchase the S/W but need to understand why this fairly simple functionaility is not working.
