Can the ground truth have pixel values other than 0 and 1 (after normalization)?
After loading the label images using your data layer, I was checking the unique pixel values. For any image the values are always 0 and 1 (normalize=true) even though the label image has values other than 0 and 255.
Does your data layer support only binary label images?
You can change the code yourself to adjust it to your own case. For salient object detection, we only care about whether a pixel is salient or not. In fact, any value between 0 and 1 is acceptable.
Can the ground truth have pixel values other than 0 and 1 (after normalization)? After loading the label images using your data layer, I was checking the unique pixel values. For any image the values are always 0 and 1 (normalize=true) even though the label image has values other than 0 and 255.
Does your data layer support only binary label images?